
The Village  of Camogli is a romantic Ligurian town by the sea characterized by a splendid promenade, an ancient marina and a glorious past as a typical seaside village.

Located within the Golfo Paradiso a few kilometers from Genoa, it is characteristic for the level structure of the historic center and for the ancient castle perched on the sea that make it a fascinating place rich in culture and millenary tradition.

The fortunate position in which it is located makes the climate mild and pleasant throughout the year and between sea and mountains, monuments and history, culture and entertainment there is the possibility of following splendid itineraries and landscapes with incomparable scenery.

Appreciated tourist and seaside center, it is also connected to other very important tourist towns such as Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Portofino Mare and Paraggi and is an excellent starting point for excursions to the nearby Park of Portofino.


Camping Miraflores - Camogli

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