Acquario di Genova

If you want to spend a different day, perhaps even taking advantage of a hypothetical semi-cloudy day, but without losing that touch of magic that the sea can give, we recommend a visit to the famous Aquarium of Genoa.

The Aquarium represents, with its 70 tanks, the greatest variety of ecosystems, with 12,000 specimens from all the seas of the world, from the Mediterranean to the Madagascar lagoon, from coral reefs to cold Antarctic waters, from mangrove forests to jungle hummingbirds.

The visit lasts about 2 hours and 30 minutes and develops along a path that also includes tactile tanks in which you can touch the animals, making you children again and entertaining your little companions in a path to discover the various species that populate. the big blue.

Sito informativo
Camping Miraflores - Acquario di Genova
Camping Miraflores - Acquario di Genova

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